Thursday, January 7, 2016

I'm happy to report that since my last post in 2011, which was a picture of a pile of books, that only two of those books remain in my TBR pile still waiting for me. My to-read lists are very long (endlessly long), but I do eventually get to them.

In 2015, I changed things up a bit, and read a whole slew of new books. That's fun too.

I think I might revive this blog. I got an "adult colouring book" for Christmas. They're super trendy right now, and it's very much a jumping on the bandwagon sort of vibe. However, as you can see from my published stamped cards, colouring is not a new thing for this adult. So not so much a bandwagon for me as it is with others. Last time I saw adult colouring as a trend was in the 70s with DoodleArt. My adult family LOVED it. I did too, but I was a child. I actually remember the "educated opinion" in the 70s was that colouring was bad for children--stiffled imagination or something. I thought that was nonsense then; still do. Anyways, with several year gaps inbetween, I've always coloured, so this is not a "trendy" thing for me. It's fun, I like it. It does feel indulgent though. Must get past that, because that is just negative talk. Viva la colouring!

This is the book my daughters picked for me. Excellent choice. Not only is the art fun, but the theme is forests--forests are one of my favourite things ever!: